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Council & School Artificial Grass

Artificial Grass in Kent


Public Sector - Call to Action

 Public sector purchases are available to all local councils, local authority funded schools, colleges and universities and NHS trusts.


  • Payments can be made online through the website or via the telephone.
  • When you arrive at the checkout, select "Public Sector 30 Day Acc" you will then have the option to enter a purchase order number without having to complete credit card details.
  •  An invoice will then be sent once the order has been verified and accepted.

County Logos

Artificial Grass is an ideal solution for all kinds of public events and places giving a very esthetically pleasing area whilst maintaining a very cost effective low maintenance application.

Above are some of the Local Authorities that we have supplied over the years. Our clientele base is spread over many more County and Borough Councils who are all well involved in there local landscaping services and use our products on a regular basis. Uses have included being used in town centre events, general landscaping such as roundabouts and road sides and even covering entire offices. Which is exactly what Southend Council did in partnership with Southend United Football Club.

Articifical Grass -Perfect for Indoor & Outdoor


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